photo / Vince Perretti / ATFOURAM
Sometimes, I wake up on Monday morning and the sun is shining just right through the windows, the coffee tastes just perfect as it dances on my tongue and my hair falls in just the right place. I feel like a damn rockstar. Other days, it feels like I didn't sleep a wink, I can't find my favorite pair of shoes in the mess I call my room and my commute takes about double what it is supposed to and I hate NYC every inch of the way. This yesterday morning, was the latter. Instead of crawling up into a ball and hiding from the world like I would have loved to do (although I may have eaten cold Dominos for dinner and watched tv all night), I pushed though. I cleaned up the coffee I spilt all over my desk (after running in smelly from being stuck on a train with NO AC), and took a deep breath. I am going to reflect on the good, the bad and the ugly from the last several days, and what I am looking forward to, or dreading like a trip to the dentist in whats ahead. I think (hope) good is going to outweigh the bad.
Moments just like Christmas morning (before your older brother... yeah I'm talking to you Matt... ruined it by proving there's no Santa by showing you the toy stash) /
• I went to the Joy Deangdeelert Cho's book party for Blog Inc. at West Elm. Mingled with some amazing ladies. Met Joy and took on the smile booth. (Have you seen the amazing paper cutouts by Hopscotch Design?)
• Baked my most ambitious cupcake yet, which required me to make my first cheesecake and my first pumpkin pie. Only messed up a little bit, but they still taste amazing, and have some beautiful photos to share with you the end of this week.
• Went to Forever 21 and found some amazing pieces for my Fall wardrobe. Patterns galore!
• Got the first Olivebox filled with goodies! Look how pretty!
• Emailed CakeSpy (fingers crossed hoping to get a reply) and she wrote back that she LOVED my blog (yay!) and Pinned me to her board!
Sunday morning breakfast, all I want is Diet Coke and Pizza Bagels, and I wind up with OJ and Oatmeal I feel like this /
• Rockin' my new threads, on my way out for a night on the town, feelin' like a bazillion bucks... I FALL. BOOM. SLAM. CLUNK. BANG... down the subway stairs I go. Of course it was right as a full train got let out and the stairs were swamped with people. Although I felt like it looked like this my friend said I was a bit more graceful, and it looked closer to this. I do, however know, that I have a swollen left elbow and a bruise on my tush that closely resembes the one in that scene from "A League of Their Own". you know what I'm talking about! Not. Cute.
• Whilst trying to open my umbrella on the way out of the subway station, I struggle, my bag is heavy, my balance is thrown, I'm out of breath, I loose control and poke a rather attractive young man in the in his very nice tush (maybe that why I was so discombobulated I was looking at his tush?), with a decent amount of force, with the point of my umbrella. I panic. I try to close the umbrella up. My heart is racing. I'm going over every possibly scenario in my head at rapid speeds. Look the other way? Turn around? Run? Yes. No. (There's no time?!) None of which are options as I try to regain my composure on the wet, crowded stairs of the very busy Columbus Circle stop at 9am. He turns. I am mortified. He stands there. I am mortified. He says nothing. Not one thing. I struggle to force out a chipper "I'm sorry" but the words just won't escape my mouth. I am mortified. He walks away. I sulk.
Like finding out you need braces in your twenties, and not the invisible kind /
• After being in a relationship a while (with a Ginger!), we have parted ways and I forced myself to began a new chapter with a fresh online dating profile. I received a plethora of inappropriate messages, including this, which leads me to believe that I should try rewriting the entire thing.
I grin like the Cheshire Cat when I think about /
• I'm seeing "Nice Work If You Can Get It" this week, and I have never (brace yourself) seen "Ferris Bueller's Day Off", and I was told I cannot completely appreciate Matthew Broderick at this time, so i started watching it on the subway this morning.
• I will be wrapping up the brochure I have been working on for CitySightsNY and it turned out beautifully!
AND THE A#1FAV thing happening this week is... Blogcademy! It's is this weekend (it snuck up so quickly!) and I cannot wait to be graced with the presence of so many talented and inspiring ladies, including Nubby Twiglet, Gala Darling and Kat Williams! Don't worry, I bought a (few) new outfits for the occasion.