Case Study Links: Girl Scouts PSA | Univision | CITYROW GO
Girl Scouts | cookie
Univision | taco
Jamie Silver.
Creative Director & Content Creator & Corvus Creative Founder & VAGRANTS Creative Director
& creative producer & illustrator & photographer & graphic designer & food lover & social media expert & mentor & leader & wife & auntie & friend
In 150 characters
Took Nutella's Instagram followers from 100k to 1 million in less than 1 year and brought #Zigi back together. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
A few more...
Jamie Silver is an award-winning creative who has been on the rollercoaster we call a career in the creative industry as digital peeked its nasty little face out and then ran at us like a bull. She embodies this word ‘creative’ because she’s pivoted and turned and learned along the way.
Her expertise includes delivering results-driven content, advertising, creative solutions, and content strategies across clients including Dunkin’ Donuts, Nutella, Girl Scouts, Conair, Univision, and CITYROW. She has produced monthly content for large CPG brands, sat as Creative Director and Production Lead at a digital agency, overseen creative teams, and worked on large scale video production.
She’s fearless, never turns down a challenge, and always approaches problems with a solution-oriented and can-do attitude.
What can she do for you?