ughhh I know, it has been a LONG time since my last post.
I could sit here and make excuses for myself. or. not.
I have had a less than great few weeks. I am not going to go into some sad story about what has been going on, everything is fine, will be fine, and we will get past it.
I had a lovely vacation with my besties in NOLA & cannot wait to tell you (and show you) all about it!
I finally decided to climb out of my funk, I gave myself a deadline, and it is time.
I surrounded myself by great people and things I love (like designing and baking of course!).
From now on, when you (or me of course) are feeling down and out I want you to remember to force yourself out of that comfy couch, take a steamy shower and go out and get downnnnnn. It will help, promise. If it doesn't help, give me a ring and I'll come help.
Put on that song that you love to dance to (c'mon I know you have one), slap on your favorite threads and your best dancing shoes. Don't like to dance (liar!), just get out and be with people you love, and remember to smile and laugh.
I'm excited for the posts this week, and I hope you are too!
xoxo- JS.