These ladies. These wonderful ladies. Shauna Haider (NubbyTwiglet), Kat Williams (RockNRollBride) and Gala Darling (GalaDarling) are ACE.
I have to admit, I have wanted to be friends with Shauna since stumbling on her blog years ago. While in Portland, I ran into her and was more star-struck than I would have been to run into a movie star. (I may have ran back to my hotel room to freshen up and change my outfit!) Shauna's design aesthetic inspires me to be a better designer with every project she shares. I learned of the fabulous Kat and Gala through her blog and have been hooked ever since.
Shortly before I went on my Portland trip I was seriously considering blogging. Then I ran into Shauna. THEN this trifecta announced they were doing Blogcademy in NYC. THEN I knew it was meant to be.
I am an official Blogcademy Graduate! The Graduation Certificates were printed by a fine press. Letterpress, yummo. I just want to stroke 'em all night all. I feel honored to have met so many wonderful, inspiring women and cannot wait to have a reunion! I have yet had time to go through my extensive notes, but here are some quick takeaways on Blogcademy / Write a stellar about me / Practice your blogger-face / Minimize your distraction to maximize your time / Set goals / Have a unique voice that people can relate to / Create sticky content / Stop checking your damn stats all the time (this is going to be a difficult one!) / Have a digital product / Allow your brand to grow- it's organic, it can change! / Practice taking pictures and develop a signature look / Vary your social media uses / Be your own cheerleader / Stop waiting for perfection / SMILE WHILE YOU WRITE
Check out some other students recaps / Burnetts Boards / Danger Dame / The Girl Who Knows / The Fete Blog / Litte Bear in a Big World / Eldy's Pocket / Condiments on a City Life / The Alchemy of Hustle / Andrea Jaggs / Get your Green On / Intertitles / Reverie Time / City Girl Knows / Me and My Ego / Rubies and Ribbon / PLUS Nubby Twiglet
All Blogcademy Design by Shauna Haider
As I said above, I adore Shauna Haider and her designs so I was super stoked when she went through the branding of Blogcademy and Rock 'N Roll Bride. As a designer, I always love to see the process and perspective of other creatives. Shauna stressed the importance branding and being charismatic enough so that people believe there's no substitute... "Remember, your brand is not what you say it is, its wat your audience says it is."
She created an AMAZING magazine (that only the graduates, and her mama, got) and every spread is its own piece of art.
The brand design and feeling even covered the room. HUGE "B" Balloons, blue party decor, blue plastic cups and straws, Blogcademy Coffee Cozie (in the swag bags!).
The room oozed Blogcademy and was perfection from corner to corner.
The Headmistresses even looked at each of our blogs and gave us Report Cards. I got some perrrrrty-perrrrrty good grades (patting myself of the back right now) for a beginner! I love that they personally critiqued us all. (I'm extra excited they commented on my social media icons, I may have driven 3 or more friends crazy trying to get those up, glad to see it was worth it!)
oh-oh- also... Lisa Devlin . We have to talk about this phenomenal woman. Not only are her images amazing, she is hilarious and super helpful. I have been shooting with my DSLR in RAW a while now, but this biddy taught me some trick-o-the-trade that will make everything so much easier. Nothing is better than saving a bit-o-time! Check out her amazing Photoshop Actions (I was so excited when I found a disc of them in our swag bags!).
I wish we could do it all again next weekend!