In early 2011 a friend mentioned that someone he knew was looking for a designer, and asked if he could pass along my info. (Argh not this again!) Not all situations like this work out well (ie- ohheyyyy can you do stuff for me for free?). BUT this was different. This was intriguing. This was exciting. This... this... this was awesome. A sightseeing company in NYC needed some concepts and mockups of different brochures for different brands. Awesome. I love design. I love NYC. I want to do this!
It was my worst nightmare and favorite kind of project at the same time. Very little direction. Very little time. Go nuts, Go crazy. Do amazing. Five different concepts. Some serious and for an older crowd. Some "hip" and for a younger group. And GO.
Detail from one of the concepts.
Detail from another concept.
At the time, I was really into puzzling together different styles of type and blocking them together., which worked well with some of the different brochures I was working on, there was a lot to talk about and list. So much to see in NYC. So much to do...
My A#1FAV of the bunch was for CitySightsNY. They wanted something cool and young. I love to interject my illustration roots in any project I can, so I started working on some cute illos of different things that remind me of NYC. Lady Liberty. Empire State. Pretzels. Pizza. Taxis. Oh My.
After a few (read many) rounds of revisions we decided that the above was the strongest and expressed the mood we were looking for. I get paid (for concepts) and then radio silence....
NEVER BURN YOUR BRIDGES. Fast forward to Sept 2012. They contacted me. Asked if I would help them out on a project. They wanted to use the concept we worked on in March 2011 as their corporate redesign. Brochures. Presentations. All of it.
The deadline is short. The outcome big. Based on the time frame, I didn't get to begin like I would have wanted. I like to pick the brain of the client. Who is the target audience? What some pieces they are inspired by for this new piece? Dimensions? The usual... because these things were not established we may have had to go through a bit of back and forth, a few failed attempts... but in the end, we are moving right along. Above are some details of the piece, and the deadline is this week...
I can't wait to share with you the finished product!