You all know me pretty well by now, so it shouldn't be hard to believe that I am COMPLETELY OBSESSED with #PantonePairings by David Schwen. Schwen, Minneapolis based art director totally nails it everytime.
“As a designer, you’re constantly picking color chips and pairing them up with one another. A while back I had an idea of making Pantone chips out of real household objects—sponges, cardboard, and the like. But while I was finishing up a poster design, I had taped two Pantone chips together to see how they looked next to one another. Instantly I thought of how people pair food together, and that was that. Pantone pairings.”
Follow along on Instagram via hasttag PantonePairings.
I am so kicking my self in the arse that I didn't think of this first, but I am glad Scwen did. Keep an eye out, he's got prints coming soon! Which will you buy?